PDC 30 Benefits Workshop:
Saturday November 4, 2023
Registration Required; Space is Limited
The PDC 30 Benefits Office is excited to offer a Benefits Workshop on Saturday November 4, 2023, a day devoted to learning about the PDC 30 health plan, pension plan, and RSP (401k). The Workshop is open to active PDC 30 members, who are welcome to bring a guest (their spouse or other adult). There is no cost to attend. All sessions will be offered in English and Spanish. Check-in is at 7:30am and the Workshop is scheduled to end at 3:15pm. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Note: The Benefits Workshop is for active members currently or regularly eligible for coverage under the PDC 30 Health & Welfare Plan. The Workshop will NOT cover in detail retiree medical benefits; therefore, retirees do not need to attend. Retirees participating in the PDC 30 Health & Welfare, Pension, and/or RSP Plans may contact the Benefits Office for assistance with those plans.
How to Register: Registration prior to the Workshop is required. Contact the Benefits Office to register. Call 630.513.9500 or email workshop@pdc30.com. We will ask who is attending and which sessions you wish to attend.
Please register no later than October 27th.
7:30 - 8:15 am | Check-in and Breakfast
8:15 - 9:45 am | Health & Welfare Plan (1)
Detailed information on the Health & Welfare Plan: who is eligible, how they become and remain eligible, what is covered, when prior authorization is needed, and what is not covered under the Plan.
10 - 11:15 am | Health & Welfare Plan (2)
Detailed information on how to most effectively use the Health & Welfare Plan: how to receive reimbursement for your out-of-pocket expenses using the Family Supplemental Benefit and Member Reimbursement Account (MRA), how best to prepare for surgery, and how the Plan covers needs like prescriptions, dental and vision services, physical therapy, chiropractic services, mental health services, and treatment for substance use.
11:15 am - 12 pm | Lunch
12 - 1:30 pm | Pension Plan
Detailed information on how the Pension Plan works: where a PDC 30 Pension fits in your retirement planning, how a pension is earned and paid out at retirement, and estimating your pension amount.
1:45 - 3:15 pm | PDC 30 RSP
Detailed information session on the PDC 30 Retirement Savings Plan (RSP).
Participants will be able to schedule individual appointments with the Benefits Office to occur within two weeks from the workshop (in-person, virtual, or phone – available exclusively for workshop participants). Attendees may bring their spouse or someone else they believe may help them better understand the information.
Call 630.513.9500 or email workshop@pdc30.com to register.