On Saturday, September 26th, PDC 30 conducted a live Virtual STARs Finalist Drawing to determine the 2020 STARS Grand Prize and Secondary Grand Prize Finalists. During the drawing, five (5) finalists were drawn for the Grand Prize Drawing and five (5) finalists were drawn for the Secondary Grand Prize Drawing. On Tuesday, October 20th, these 10 finalists will participate in the STARs Award Ceremony at PDC 30’s headquarters in Aurora, to determine the official 2020 winners. The Award Ceremony will be recorded and posted online following the event.

Congratulations to the official 2020 STARs finalists announced during PDC 30’s live virtual STARs drawing on Saturday, September 26th: Grand Prize Finalists Gilberto Santos (Local 154), Tanner Young (Local 607), Michael Dennis (Local 607), Michael Gabriel (Local 97), and David Slankard (Local 607); and Secondary Grand Prize Finalists Steven Griffis (Local 607), Kenneth Gresham (Local 448), David Ramirez (Local 448), Jesse Ramos (Local 607), and Bryan Sadnick (Local 465)! Thanks to all of the members that qualified for STARs prizes this year.

Miss the live Virtual STARs Finalist Drawing on September 26th? Watch it below - and stay tuned for the follow-up video and announcement of our official 2020 STARs Winners!