The 2020 General Election will determine the future of so many aspects of American life. The U.S. presidential candidates offer very different approaches to most of the issues that are important to Americans. This General Election Edition of The Edge considers these issues and the District Council’s endorsements down the ballot, including important state and local elections, and ballot initiatives that will impact the health of the Illinois building and construction economy for many years.

Browse the pages of this newsletter for information about the 2020 General Election on November 3rd, including an analysis of the key issues for labor voters, assistance with making a plan to vote, information on the Fair Tax Plan and working families, and PDC 30's endorsed candidates.

Click here to view the 2020 General Election edition of THE EDGE.

Analyzing the Key Issues for Labor Voters – the 2020 Presidential Election

Working Families and the Fair Tax Plan: Why This is a Must for Illinois

TCDF to Present Illinois Fair Tax Town Hall: Thursday, October 22, 6PM